“A Plucky Hull Captain”

Edward Weddall was a true master of his trade. The master mariner, on at least two occasions saved his crew and ship from wreckage. Once in Captain Weddall saves the day and Lloyd’s some money – again.

The following article appeared in the – Hull Daily Mail on 21 November 1895;


“The Hull steamer Fairy, on a recent voyage from Konigsberg to London, had the misfortune to break her crank shaft. at the time of the accident she was 300 miles from Hull, to which port the master decided to take the steamer. Very stormy weather was experienced, the steamer having to ride at both anchors during the worst of the gale. The pluck and perseverance of the master, Captain Weddall, had its reward, the vessel reaching Hull in safety without any assistance and Lloyd’s underwriters in London have recognised these services by a handsome presentation to the master.”

Emily, who had not as yet met her future husband when the incident occurred. She would have been proud of Edward Weddall’s bravery and perseverance, traits she possessed herself.

Lloyd’s of London today

21 November 1895 – Hull Daily Mail – Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, England