Bright Pupil

What remains of the Monastery at Kilmacduagh, home to William John Burke.   Photo by Larry O'Neill

What remains of the Monastery at Kilmacduagh, home to William John Burke.
Photo by Larry O’Neill

Young William John Burke spent two years at St. Jarlath’s of Tuam, in preparation for entering St. Patrick’s Seminary at Maynooth. A diligent student he was readily accepted to the institution and began his studies in 1825. Below is his matriculation, or qualifying exam record. The entry contains the following information:

Name: William Burke
Diocese: Kilmacduagh
Entered Maynooth: 25.8.1825
 Ordained: 1828 (Subdeacon) & 1830 (Priest).
Reproduced by kind permission of The Russell Library NUIM

Reproduced by kind permission of The Russell Library NUIM

Special thanks:
Larry O’Neill (photography)
Audrey Kinch, Library Assistant at Special Collections: Russell Library & JPII Library. St Patrick’s College, Maynooth
Yorkshire Gazette 02 June 1855