In 1870 Emily’s family left their house in Edenderry, to move in to the tiny vestry ’10f 6 inches long by 9 feet broad’ in Castlejordan Church, where her father was incumbent. Why is not stated in the letter, but chances are the family had leave town quickly, as they did before fleeing from persecution for changing religion. A fund had been set up by the outraged well wishers of Rev. Burke and his family.
The letter below to the Waterford Standard of October 15th 1870 by someone who singed off as GD tells of their plight.
If Rev. Burke had his enemies he had well wishers too. One sent a total of £10, which was quite a sum in the 1870’s. From another source, possibly the more wealthy Thomas Scott, who appears to have been a councilor sent almost £50 with a promise of £50 more at a later date, which will go quite far towards the fund for a parsonage. The poetically put accompanying letter supporting Rev. Burke and advising him to remain in “David’s Den of Lions” until” the porch of Solomon’s Temple”. Comforting advice!
It is not clear if the Burkes got to live in the proposed parsonage or indeed if one was built. The family moved to Dunloe Hill in Ballinasloe, Co. Galway soon afterwards, where Rev. and Mrs Burke ended their days.