Richard McArthur Burke (2)

Clonmel, the Bank and the Masonic Order

With a good education as Richard had received, he went on to train as a bank clerk. He got a job in the Bank of Ireland’s Clonmel branch, where he worked for five years. Richard lived at an address at Queen St. in the town, and appeared to have settled in there quite well. He was popular, and seemed to have had a lot of friends, which would have made him quite like Emily in character. He was also active in the local church, this is probably due to his upbringing as a son of a clergyman.

Dublin Lodge

Dublin Lodge

In 1887, at the age of 21 Richard McArthur Burke joined the Freemasons, of Lodge 44, Clonmel. It would have been a natural progression for him, again being a clergyman’s son and maybe it had to do with the influence of his father’s friend Samuel George Potter, most importantly his grandfather Richard McArthur was a Freemason. Records show that Richard McArthur was a member of the then Dublin Lodge 620 from about 1810 up into the 1820’s when he lived in Dublin.

The Minute Book of that branch from January 4th 1887 contains the following;

A ballot has been taken for Mr Richard McArthur Burke being of sound and clear of being, in attendance he was received and initiated by brother Charles Hernell. Lodge having been called to 2nd FC degree and Raised to the 3rd degree.
To read more about the Masonic Order:

Richard, Received his full certificate three months later on March 3 rd March 1887.
He was a dedicated member attending most lodge meetings in the year he was a Free Mason. The last record of his attendance at Lodge 44, Clonmel was on 3rd April 1888. He took ill shortly afterwards. On the 26th June of that year Richard, Emily’s big brother died, he was 23 years old. Another tragedy in the young lives of Emily and her siblings.

Minute Book of Lodge 620 First Volunteers of Ireland
Minute Book of Lodge 620 1823 to 1857.
Minute Book of Lodge 44. 3rd July 1888. Reproduced by kind permission of Freemasons, Dublin.
Thanks to Rebecca Hayes, Archivist and the Freemason’s Dublin for their kind permission to publish photos.
Clonmel Chronical, Tipperary and Waterford advertiser. Saturday Evening, June 30 1888. Page 3