Category Archives: 1916 Rising

Easter 1922

Six years after the Easter Rising a new organisation was formed to honour “Men of Easter Week”. Named the “1916 Club”, they held their first annual church parade. Before the procession that began at St. Mary of Angles on Church Street and continued to Glasnevin Cemetery, where some of the fallen of Easter Week were buried. At the time, the Republican Plot didn’t exist as such, as many of who are now buried there, were still alive at the time. None of the executed leaders of the Rising were buried their neither, their final resting place in Arbour Hill Cemetery.

In spite of the political tension between the pro and anti Treaty supporters, which could have erupted at any moment the commemorations continued. Large crowds lined the route from Church Street to the Parnell Monument, stopping all traffic on the route. When the parade reached O’Connell Bridge, they slowed down and the St. James Pipe Band began playing a lament, as the reached the GPO, still a burnt out hollow behind it’s facade at the time.

On the approach to Glasnevin Cemetery, the parade slowed down again to the solemn music of the “Dead March”. Again a crowd had formed to greet them at the cemetery gates. Inside wreaths were laid on the graves of the dead heroes of more recent times and of old in various locations throughout the cemetery. The Rosary was recited in Irish, which formed a Republican tradition, that still exists, regardless of the patriot’s religious faith.

The event concluded by the band playing “The Soldier’s song” and “Wrap the Green Flag Round Me.”

Weekly Freeman’s Journal 29 April 1922


Freeman’s Journal 25 April 1922 p 3

Weekly Freeman’s Journal 29 April 1922

Three Candles Press

On this day 1976 RTE aired a documentary about Three Candles Press on Radio na Raidio na Gaeltachta. Founder, Colm O’Lochlainn was one of the original members of Scoil Acla and a friend of Emily’s. In 1926 he founded Three Candles Press. Each candle represented one of the principles of truth, wisdom and knowledge. The business, was ahead of its time in the way it put the quality of its work and care of its employees ahead of profit.

His real love over printing and the politics of the Revolutionary period, which he was involved in for a time, was music and the collection of Irish Ballads, which he made his life’s work. Along with his friend Seamus Ennis, contributed greatly to the collection and retention of tunes that may have, without their intervention have got lost in the mists of time.


William Gerard O’Loughlin was born in Dublin on the 11th of October 1892. His father John O’Loughlin was a travelling sales representative for a printing company. His mother was a Delia (Bridget) Carr from Limerick City whose family were wealthy and in the printing business...Read more

Dublin Evening Mail 13 October 1961

Hallow Eve 1916

After the Easter Rising more than 3,000 were arrested for their part or their supposed part. One was Emily, who was held on Remand at Tullamore Gaol for a week, for “…acting in such a manner as to give reasonable grounds for suspecting that she was about to act in a manner prejudicial to the Defense of the Realm”. The Act was passed when WWI broke out in 1914 to control communications at the ports around Britain and Ireland, and subject civilians to the rule of military courts. It was also under D.O.R.A the leaders of the Rising were tried and condemned to death under. Those who were not given the Death Penalty, were given various sentences, the more extreme rebels were sent to prisons across Britain, such as Emily’s friend Darrell Figgis. One such prison was Frongoch in Wales.

The abandoned distillery was repurposed as a prisoner of war camp during WWI

Frongoch, an abandoned distillery was initially used to house prisoners of war. It was sort of repurposed as a detention centre for prisoners of the Rising. The camp comprised of cold, dank, rat infested huts, equally if not more dismal than prison cells. The internees only real comfort was that they were free to mix and mingle with one another. Nevertheless they overheated in the summer and frozen in the colder months of late autumn and early winter, but were ‘saved by the bell’ when they were released just before Christmas 1916 otherwise some may have perished during coldest time of the year. As early as the summer Irish MP, Mr. Ginnell put it to the Home Secretary whether the food given to the Irish prisoners was sufficient for the healthy young countrymen. Mr. Samuel replied; “The diet is identical with that supplied to military and naval prisoners of war and is amply sufficient to keep the prisoners in good health”. It was not. But the Committee of the Irish National Aid and volunteer Dependents’ Fund, which Emily collected and gave generously to, intervened. They set out to make sure that the internees were not deprived of ‘celebrating’ “Hallow Eve”. They put the notice below in the newspapers:


Freeman’s Journal 27 October 1916,parentid=ire%2fpettys%2f005174188%2f00427%2f2687504

Frongoch Internment Camp

Sporting Times 26 December 1891

One Hundred Years Ago

One hundred years ago today, 3 May 1921 under the Government of Ireland Act 1920, the partition of Ireland took place. The then Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland divided Ireland into two self-governing zones, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland. Emily had Northern Irish family origins, in Ardglass, Co. Down when her maternal grandfather, Richard M’Arthur was born, as was her mother.

It is one hundred and five years since the first executions of the 1916 Rebels began, starting with Patrick Pearse.

Also one hundred years ago on this day the Tourmakeady Ambush took place in Co. Mayo. The South Mayo Flying Column, backed by local volunteers staged an attack on a convey of lorries carrying supplies to the RIC station there. Read more:
