In 1867 Edward Weddall received his First Mate Certificate from the Board of Trade, he was now only one step away from becoming a ship captain. He qualified in record quick time as it was only two years since he got his second mate certificate. To qualify to that standard required a lot of work, dedication and study.
A FIRST MATE must be nineteen years of age, and have served five years at sea, of which one year must have been as either Second or Only Mate, or as both.
Foreign-going Ship.IN NAVIGATION.-In addition to the qualifications required for an Only Mate, he must be able to observe azimuths and compute the variation; to compare chronometers and keep their rates, and find the longitude by them from an observation of the sun; to work the latitude by single altitude of the sun off the meridian; and be able to use and adjust the sextant by the sun.
The examination was both practical and written requiring the candidate to to have a good knowledge of maths for navigational purposes. Edward Weddall was well on his way to the next level, a master mariner or sea captain.
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House Museum Infante Dom Henrique, Porto, Portugal