The Last Will and Testament of Richard Burke

A day before he died Richard McArthur Burke made his will. He was so weak that he had to get his friend, Richard Bradley to write it out for him.

At the age of 23 he hadn’t accumulated very much, books, a bicycle and some sporting equipment and perhaps his most personal possession, his watch and chain, which he left to his older sister Miriam, the sibling he was the closest to in age. His sport equipment went to the children of his friend, Richard Bradley. After his debts were paid and the £100 borrowed from his sister Miriam was returned, the remainder of his money was left to his younger, brother John Jasper. Emily was only named as a beneficiary if John Jasper should die before he could inherit (reach the age of 21, he was only about 17 at the time). In the case of John Jasper not reaching his 21st birthday his share was to be divided between Miriam and Emily. John Jasper did live see 21, but did not survive long beyond his 23rd, just like his brother Richard. 
